Tuesday, February 10, 2009


This little girl started preschool today...

...and she loved every minute of it. She wore semi-matching clothes, let me do her hair and didn't even cry when I left.

Meanwhile, Grady cried. A lot. He didn't know what to do with himself. He kept wandering around aimlessly looking for "Ahhhmaaa." It was a long 2 1/2 hours for the poor little guy.

When Grady and I picked Emma up, she was elated. No, she doesn't know the names of anyone in her class. No, she's not sure what projects they worked on. But, she played on 2 different playgrounds, had cupcakes for someone's birthday, had a snack, and played with glitter and playdough. AND, there's a class guinea pig named Tinkerbell. Basically, it was a perfect first day.

And then on the way home, my heart melted as I looked over my shoulder and saw Emma and Grady, smiling contentedly, holding hands. I guess she's not too cool for us yet!

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