Somehow, someway, my itty bitty little girl grew up and she is now old enough to be a first grader. WHAT?!?
We're homeschooling again this year and I am determined to be a bit more consistent this year with our schedule- mostly because our dear Emma thrives on schedules and order- and so, today for our first day, I had a color coded pocket chart filled out with all the different things that we needed to do. She LOVED it! Aside from being more consistent, I'm also determined to be done with "school" by 10am. I mean really, what does a first grader need to learn that takes more than a few hours a day?
Anyway, here's a few pictures from our first day:
Meanwhile, the boys were busy building an awesome tower:
Then Grady drew her a picture of a princess mermaid and dictated what dot letters he wanted me to put on the card for his sister:
After our school work was done, Emma was having so much fun that she insisted on practicing her piano. I know that it's just a freak occurrence that she's all excited about school and all, but hey, I'm not gonna complain!