Welcome to our much delayed family blog. Since so much of life can be summed up on bumper stickers, my goal is to find a different bumper sticker as inspiration for each blog entry. We'll see how far that goes. So, for our first entry, my inspiration came from the stick figures on the back of a minivan..... now picture the back of a minivan with a stick figure for a dad and a mom and a daughter and a son and a dog and two fish and a grandma. That's us.
That's right, no longer is it just Dylan, me, Emma, Lucy (the dog), and Grady. We now have two goldfish named Henry and 2Henrys and the newest member of our family, Grandma Phyllis. Dylan's grandma just moved in with us and we are loving her help with my least favorite chore- folding laundry. Dylan is probably loving even more that he is guaranteed a hot meal every night since I have to make sure Grandma eats a well balanced diet. Gone are the days of cereal or salad for dinner- I guess it couldn't last forever!
Well, I'm very handicapped when it comes to publishing cool things, but be patient with me. And apparently all of my pictures are still on my old computer so you'll have to wait for those, too.